Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Everyone has had moments in their lives when they struggle to see clearly…many times through the eyes of fear and anxiety. This is what I struggle with most in several areas of my life. I share this with you to know this is normal. We all have moments of uncertainty, loss of control, worry, and fear. It can be related to health, family members, relationships, conflicts, employment, finances, careers, losses, the future…the list goes on and on.
What we hear in our first reading this weekend, “Thus says the Lord: say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not!” should be reassuring. This is not just scripture; this is the Lord speaking to us. He is reminding us that He is in control, knows all our thoughts, worries, concerns, and anxieties and He is holding us. Many times, we feel like we are to be in control and have all the answers…wrong! We are to surrender them over to Him and know that He has a plan. We may not know it, understand it, or agree with it, but He has one.
What do you need to bring to prayer this week that has preoccupied your time or you feel you need to control? Ask Him to help you and look for His movement in your life. He is reassuring us this week…. let go, I’ve got this!