Where is our focus?

Our readings this weekend should shake us to our very core and make us take a step back and evaluate our lives. I know it did for me! I can get so consumed in daily life; whether it’s tasks for work, home, or when I squeeze in some pleasure. All can be important, but are those things my focus? That is what I feel like our readings are speaking to this weekend.
Where is our focus?
I know that when I get busy, my focus is less on God and listening to Him. But the last line of the Gospel is important to hone in on: “But God said to him, ‘You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have prepared, to who will they belong?’ Thus it will be for all who store up treasure for themselves but are not rich in what matters to God.” If I focus on tasks and all the things I want in this world, I am losing my focus on things that are rich in what matters to God. This week let us ask ourselves, what adjustments do I need to make to make God my focus? Are there things I should share or do differently today to do His will? If I am with the Lord tomorrow, will my life and how I lived daily please Him? Let us sit back in prayer and reflect, what do I need to do differently this day?