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Forgiveness…we are all called and yet challenged to forgive others. If you are like me, there may be those whom you struggle to fully forgive. It is easy to love those who do not challenge or hurt you. Our readings this weekend challenge us on this topic. We are to forgive all, especially those whom…
In this weekend’s gospel, we hear a familiar passage of Jesus meeting the disciples at a time when they are fishing, have caught nothing, and are discouraged. We all can relate to feeling failure, discouragement, and disappointment. Simon Peter questions Jesus’s plan and guidance, only to be shown the abundance God provides. His response is,…
This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, which does not fall on a Sunday very often. In our Gospel, we hear of Simeon and Anna, both waiting a significant amount of time in the temple for Jesus. We all experience waiting. We may not wait like Simeon and Anna, but…