Lord’s Day Masses

SAT: 5:30PM
SUN: 8:30AM & 10:30AM

Traveling? Visit Catholic Mass Times to view Mass times for other churches.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

THURS: 4:30PM-5:15PM
SAT: 4:00PM-4:45PM

Weekday Masses

TUE: 9:00AM
WED: 9:00AM
FRI: 9:00AM

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

TUE: 4:00PM-10:00PM (Chapel)
THURS: 9:00AM-5:00PM (Church)

Christmas Mass Times

December 24 ~ 4:30pm, 7:30pm, & 10:30pm

December 25 ~ 9:30pm

All Masses will be celebrated in Danner Hall. Space is limited.

Staff Reflections

These reflections are emailed weekly in our constant contact newsletter. If you are not receiving these emails and would like to, please contact the parish office!

  • Fourth Sunday of Advent
    As we conclude Advent, the readings this week always hold a special place in my heart. This weekend, and all this past week, we hear of women in the Bible who desired to be mothers. This always resonated with me as I prayed for many, many years for a child and seemed to have my…
  • Be Joyfully Bold
    On the heels of Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, the readings for Sunday really resonate with the JOYful feeling of being grateful! My heart feels so warm after focusing on all the people, opportunities, and the physical and spiritual things I have for which I am so thankful and attribute to my Lord and Savior. It…
  • Christ the King Sunday
    This Sunday, we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. By “universe,” I mean everything and all that’s in it…including you and me. If we’re honest with ourselves, there are parts of us that are uncomfortable with the idea of someone “ruling over” us, especially considering that our own country…
