Altar Servers
Boys and girls in fourth grade or older assist at Mass (weekends, holy days, and weddings). Commitment of attendance at training sessions, then rotating schedule.
Eucharistic Ministers
Assist the Priest by distributing Communion during Mass. Candidates must be baptized, confirmed, and in good standing in the Church. Especially needed for the 5:30 PM Mass on Saturday.
Liturgy of the Word for Children
We are currently seeking volunteers to restart this program! Facilitator: Lead children, kindergarten through grade 4, in experiencing the Sunday Scriptures at their level of understanding. Commitment is once a month during regularly scheduled weekend Masses. Assistant: Assist the Liturgy of the Word Facilitator in leading and managing the participating children.
Music Ministry
Youth Choir For 3rd through 12 graders. Led by Music Director Meghan Schaut and singer and music educator, Jamie Purkovic. This is an awesome way for our youth to work together across age groups in a ministry very meaningful to our worship! Rehearsals are two Wednesdays per month, and we sing one 10:30am Sunday Mass...